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Let me show you the way {#} Erin's Relationships. ALbC

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Let me show you the way {#} Erin's Relationships. ALcz
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Mensaje por Invitado Miér Jul 13, 2011 9:33 am

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Erin Fair Waldorf
"Don't try to dominate me, I'm the owner of my life. "
24 Años || Adultos chicas || Heterosexual

Erin, Erin, Erin... ¿Como describirla correctamente? Esta chica siempre ha sido muy madura, desde pequeña era muy despierta y se daba cuenta de lo que pasaba a su alrededor rápidamente. Es hábil mentalmente, si alguien tiene un problema ella no dudará en ayudarte, es solidaria y compasiva, aunque por otro lado es muy voluble, se sabe con facilidad lo que piensa o siente. Es simpática y amistosa, aunque algo tímida para hacer amigos desde que tiene uso de memoria. Es sincera, pero no te dirá lo que piensa a la cara por miedo a que te moleste o te dañe, siempre piensa en los demás antes que en ella misma.
Lo da todo por su pequeño Ethan, siendo el único, a pesar de su corta edad, que la comprende y la cuida. A cambio Erin, no sabe más que recompensarle con abrazos y cosquillas. No se enfada casi nunca, aunque cuando lo hace, es mejor no estar en su camino o te dirá unas cuantas cosas.

{#} My Family

We're family, but not always the same blood.

{#} You're a important part in my life

Mejores Amigos:
One in the same. I think we're almost legendary.
You and me the perfect team.

Buenos Amigos:
I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour.

Friends are found on every road

You know my name, my telephone, my secrets. You know everything.

Everything you want, I will give

All I want, you'll give me.

Scared? What is that? When I'm with you that doesn't exist.

I will protect with my life if is necessary.

In good times and bad... and even in the worst.

Amigos de Fiesta:
If we could, party all night and sleep all day
and throw all of my problems away, my life would be easy.

Amigos de Maldades:
We have the best evil plans.

Compañeros de Aventura
Friend, partner, you want to make a prank.
Call me and I'll be there.

Mal Influenciados:
Come on, you'll like

Malas influencias:
You make me do things I never imagined

Trato Cordial:
You listen when I have something to show you.

I wanna know you.

{#} What happen to me?

I wanna go there, where you go,
I wanna find out what you know.

You have something that I like.

You are a beautiful and perfect combination.

Nobody dares to turn away from me

What you feel is called obsession: an illusion in your mind
makes you do things, so does the heart.

If you get hurt, don't know what would happen to me.

Tensión Sexual:
No fights, no jealousy, just kisses.

Only happen once... or two times.

Amigos con Derecho:
Friendship... and a little more.

Rollo de una Noche:
Tomorrow everything will be over

That transfusion confusion, which can only confuse.
Just a slip.

Amor Platónico:
I love you... but we can't be together.

Amor Imposible:
Platonic love are for me.
Platonic love, makes me suffer.
You're my platonic love.

I'll do anything: I'll give you my heart, my everything.
¿Why? Because I love you.

I love you but sometimes your me nervous

I'll be right by your side
to be your light, to be your guide.

Ex Pareja:
I hope I hold a special place with the rest of them.
I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend.

{#} Fuck You!

Now I am the indifferent
that doesn't want to see you.

I know you're superior to me

I know I'm better

Do you know the enemy? Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy.

Grudge, old grudges.
Let me forget the cowardly betrayal.


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